How to Use the Particle 着 (zhe)?

By Sujanti Djuanda – LingoLearn Chinese Teacher

I. Adjective/Verb  +  着(zhe) as the continuous state, is used to explain how a subject has been left in a place in a certain position (continuously).

Subject + Verb + 着(zhe)

Example 1:

The door is open (continuously).


Example 2:

The air conditioning is off (continuously).


Example 3:

He is standing (continuously).


Subject + Adjective+ 着(zhe)

Example 4:

The light is on (continuously).


Example 5a:

I’m reading a story book (continuously).

我(wǒ)看(kàn)着(zhe)故事书(gùshì shū)。

Compare with Example 5b:

I am reading a story book. (now/currently)

我(wǒ)在(zài)看(kàn)故事书(gùshì shū)。

Example 6a:

She is cooking potato pie (continuously)


Compare with Example 6b:

She is cooking potato pie (now/currently)


Example 7:

I’m having a meeting (continuously).


Compare with Example 7b:

I am having a meeting. (now/currently)


Example 8a:

He is listening to classical music (continuously).

他(tā)听(tīng)着(zhe)古典音乐(gǔdiǎn yīnyuè)。

Compare with Example 8b:

He is listening to classical music (now/currently).

他(tā)在(zài)听(tīng)古典音乐(gǔdiǎn yīnyuè)。

II. Adjective +着(zhe)呢(ne) is used to indicate a high degree, with a tone of exaggeration (excessiveness), often used in spoken language.


He has got plenty of money.


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