Israel-related in Chinese

By Sujanti Djuanda – LingoLearn Chinese Teacher

1. Israel 以色列(Yǐ​sè​liè)

I have been in Israel for 5 years.


2. Tel Aviv : 特拉维夫(Tè​lā​wéi​fū)

3. Jerusalem :耶路撒冷(Yē​lù​sā​lěng)

4. Nazareth : 纳匝肋(Nà​zā​lèi) or 拿撒勒(Ná​sǎ​lè)

She was born in Tel Aviv then she moved to Jerusalem, now she lives in Nazareth.


5. Holy Land : 圣地(shèng​dì)

6. Eilat 埃拉特(Āilātè)

My family and I go traveling to Holyland and Eilat


7. Hebrew person: 希伯来人(Xī​bó​lái​rén​)

8. Israelite, Israeli: 以色列人(Yǐ​sè​liè​rén)


9. Jew, Jewish: 犹太人(Yóu​tài​rén)

逾越节(yú​yuè​jié) Passover

住棚节(zhùpéngjié) Sukkot

光明节(Guāng​míng​jié) Hanukkah

Passover, Sukkor and Hanukkah are traditional Jewish Holidays.

逾越节(yúyuèjié), 住棚节(zhùpéngjié)和光明节(Guāngmíngjié)都(dōu)是(shì​)犹太人(Yóutàirén)的(de)传统(chuán​tǒng​)节日(jié​rì)。

10. Hebrew language: 希伯来语(Xī​bó​lái​yǔ)


11. 新谢克尔(xīn xiè kèěr=New Shekel)

I would like to exchange New Shekel with Chinese RMB Yuan.

我(wǒ)想(xiǎng)把(bǎ)新谢克尔(Xīnxièkèěr)换(​huàn)成(chéng)人民币元(rén​mín​bì​ yuán)。

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